The qubit, by contrast, can be in a superposition state corresponding to any mixture of true and false at the same time, like schr? Dinger's cat in its mixture of alive and dead. 相较之下,量子位元可以是对、同时混合在一起的叠加态,就像是活与死同时存在的薛丁格的猫。
In this way, the true reality will never be a cat to seize the book, the mouse! 这样,现实中的真猫就永远也不会去抓住书中的老鼠了!
With the development of computer science and technology, Computer Based Test and the Computer Adaptive Test have already come true. 随着计算机的普遍应用以及计算机技术的飞快发展,计算机辅助性测试(CBT)和计算机自适应性测试(CAT)都己先后成为现实,随之而来的是人们对计算机自动评分的关注。